Chat Bots

March 18, 2019

There is a new trend in consumer and B2B purchasing habits that have forced many organizations to adapt. Today, over 30% of customers expect live chat on your website.

At Paneteria in Santa Rosa our chat bot, used as live chat, out performs our our contact forms 15 to 1.

There are several variations of how chat bots can be set up according to your organizational needs. For small businesses, a simple Live Chat Bot can be integrated to a website that will serve as an instant messenger with a designated representative. In this instance, this representative can act as a customer service representative answering questions or a sales rep or even act as a receptionist to direct the inquiry to the right person.

Another variation of a chat bot can act similar to a FAQ and lead the website visitor to to right information on the website through a series of predetermined questions. A computer program is designed to simulate conversation with human users.

The most advanced chat bots utilize machine learning or artificial intelligence in order to mimic how humans communicate. This type of chat bot uses computer programming to automatically improve experience, as well as natural language processing and when applied simulates human produced text and language.

For customer service, a chat bot can direct a potential customer or an existing customer to the correct organization rep. In addition, a chat bot can identify the needs of the chatter prior to speaking with a live representative.

For sales, a chat bot can pre-qualify leads. Low quality leads can be prioritized as such and high quality leads can be fast tracked into the sales process.

At our office in Santa Rosa, we use the simple live chat functionality, so you are talking to a live person!

Contact us today for a consultation to see if a chat bot is right for your organization.