

Hanna Boys Center

Hanna Boys Center is a residential treatment school in Sonoma, California, with an on- campus accredited high school. Archbishop Hanna High School, serving 8th through 12th grade students with at risk youth programs.

Hanna Boys Center


The website’s CMS allows the administrator to update images, add content (photos, text, downloadable PDFs, video) and create new pages as necessary. A main website administrator can quickly post important announcements on the homepage, swap out branding imagery, update the header and navigation, and control all links both internal and external. Additionally, we incorporated a student application process and a monetary donation portal. We also integrated Hanna Boys Center's strong social media presence.


Planeteria completed an in-depth usability & design audit for Hanna Boys Center . This included an on-site analysis for general needs, and department facilitation to develop content strategy and architecture of the website. Based on these discussions, we incorporated news & events, social media integration, a donation portal, emergency alerts, a streamlined student application process, video embedding/streaming, document archive, a blog section, online forms and more.



Usability audit, stake holder surveys, wireframes, custom mobile responsive design, Web development: PHP / HTML5 / JavaScript, jQuery, route search functionality, ADA compliant, workflows, Google Analytics, responsive design, roles & permissions, multilingual, ongoing maintenance, hosting, WordPress.


Donations are an essential component of Hanna Boys Center. We created an online donation portal, where it easy to collect online donations with the click of a button. Single time donations can be made or monthly recurring donations can be set up by the website visitor.


A streamlined application process was a key goal for Hanna, so developed a simple process for website visitors to apply to online. The first step is reading a detailed description to learn about eligibility, and then a form is completed and submitted to admission personnel at Hanna.

The team worked very efficiently together. Roles were made clear to me—the client—and were clear to each other making work turn faster and fit together better than most deployments I’ve worked on previously. Weekly meetings were efficient and kept all of us in line with our duties and forward momentum. Project management was top of the line, as was design, strategy, programming, QC, and production.