San Diego County Water Authority Launches New Site

March 4, 2021

Santa Rosa, CA, Release: March 4th, 2021. For Immediate release

San Diego County Water Authority has launched new websites, designed and developed by Planeteria Media. The site’s focus is to better communicate with internal and external customers, including the public, member agencies, investors, media, contractors, water industry leaders and elected officials. The site serves as the primary source of information about the agency and regional water issues.

Planeteria Media integrated interactive data and charts about water storage and usage from the present back to mid last century, Google-like predictive search with visual results, customized Google Maps to display current projects, member agency zip code search, and member agency clickable county map. The result is a visually appealing, mobile responsive ADA compliant solution.

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Planeteria Media designs and develops websites for municipal organizations. Using dynamic design and strategic development, Planeteria Media is raising the bar for municipalities.